May 24, 2009
In this Edition of Radical Grace Radio we go over some listener
emails, and Pastor Greg LeSeiur Tells about his days at ELCA
Seminary in Gettysburg... Where apparently he learned the
Jesus is reduced to being a condiment on the burger of World
Religion. Apparently other religions are just fine, but they
are better if you add Jesus... We know, it's bad.
Larry in KY Writes
Something Matt mentioned in the last was the first time I’d heard
someone else really articulate it, someone who’d been there once
and that is the spirit of antichrist wafting in the protestant
church. I use to tell my wife back during my struggles with
“was Christ really for me”, that dark, dark, dark time, “I believe
more deception and covering up of Christ occurs not so much overtly
but under the guise of “nice” and smiles and from well meaning
fellows and pastors. Not the kind of guys you’d label,
‘that’s my enemy’.” I’ve told her, “…I think we’ve been
tainted by dispensationalism and Hollywood…we think antichrist and
Pharisees are these ‘dark smoking back room hand wringing
plotters’, or the church Lady on SNL a few years back.
But I’m beginning to think that’s a fake or rouse to keep us from
looking at the real antichristic spirit of our age, even in the
protestant church. For the real Christ and him crucified
cover uppersare not at all like that. In a sense that would
be obvious and EASY to avoid…like a thief coming at you a mile away
with his gun drawn. No now days it’s sold to you under nice
things and generally morals we all want. Christ is covered up
more there than anywhere so that either you end up overly proud of
yourself that you are doing it OR you end up in despair thinking,
‘I’m lost for sure’.” If you’ve been in that you know what
that is like and its hard to uncover. In a sense a Hollywood
Pharisee would be refreshingly easy to refute!
You all have done a WONDERFUL job of reorienting what antichrist
and all involved is. It donned on me the other day listening
that it makes sense – the deception even of dispensationalism.
If the devil can get the church laity to be looking for the
boogy man in some political figure, he can then sneak in under the
radar under morals and things whether from Rome or within the
protestant church itself in general and REALLY cover up Christ.
Because we can unite with Rome around a moral issue but at
the price of the Gospel itself.
Great, great, great work brothers…keep it up you have no idea how
much you feed us!
Josh writes...
I heard the "water valve" illustration and find it to be
compelling. However, I feel that illustration still places a
burden on the PERSON and not on GOD because the person can close
the valve. In working with this illustration, we all close
the valve all the time. So, how does the valve stay open for
some even when they try to close it and for some it closes.
If election is truly based solely on God, then he must choose
whose valve opens and whose valve closes at the end of their life.
I don't see how you can get around the fact that God elects
for salvation and selects some for condemnation. If
condemnation is based on something in us denying God's offer of
salvation then, by default, salvation is also based on the lack of
that same thing IN US. I don't believe you can have election
for salvation from God without selection for condemnation by God as
Jason writes...
I am listening to the program on "The United States of the Beast".
Didn't Luther, Calvin, and all the Reformers point to the
dynasty of the Popes as the beast of Revelation? It seems to
fit to me. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself because I
didn't get to the end yet. Some Lutherans sound really
anti-Calvinist. Am I damned for being Calvinist? If so
let me know why before it's too late. I love Lutherans no
matter what they say. Martin Luther rocks. In Christ,
(unless Calvinists are damned)
Just heard the end. I agree with Luther. Luther
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