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Radical Grace/The Lutheran Difference

Jun 29, 2009

The opening theme for Radical Grace Radio, in it's entirety.  No, this isn't necessarily what Sunday morning worship music should sound like.  I remember getting the idea to do an upbeat version of this old Advent Hymn when I heard the Choir at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis do it as though it were a march... ...

Jun 29, 2009

In this edition of Radical Grace Radio, we're taking some time to talk about Law and Gospel, a bit of a primer on this distinction that the Formula of Concord calls "that special brilliant light that serves till the end of the age that God's Word may be rightly divided".  Pastor Gary also asked an interesting question: ...

Jun 22, 2009

In this edition of Radical Grace we ask the question:  Why is Worshiping in the Church necessary?  From the many excuses that people make, whether they're too busy, or whether they don't like being around hypocrites, or whether they just think the church is "after my money", we still have to remind the people of...

Jun 15, 2009

In this edition of Radical Grace Radio, Pastor Gary Held talks about how the idea of Christians being at war is misused by some Christians, for instance, how the idea of us being Christian Soldiers fighting against the culture is bolstered by the misapplication of certain Scripture. 

We also begin what we hope will be...

Jun 8, 2009

Actually, what's going on is we're fighting for the doctrine of the Trinity.  It's Trinity Sunday, and we have the Athanasian Creed in mind, and it's time to set the record straight again before the full blown Modalists get their chance to mess things up...  Happily, most Modalists don't celebrate Trinity Sunday. ...