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Radical Grace/The Lutheran Difference

Nov 30, 2016

The Passion Translation: Is it dangerous, or is it just crazy? The internet has a gameplan to use you to make money, and the seasons they be a changin', here on Radical Grace Radio...

Visit Matthew Pancake's Facebook

Visit Pastor Gary Held's Facebook

Nov 24, 2016

Twitter bans the Alt Right, in it's entirety, Oxford Dictionary defines "post-truth" as word of the year, Fake news is fake, really really fake, and the end of Church year brings out the end times red pill, next on Radical Grace Radio.

Visit Matthew Pancake's Facebook


Nov 13, 2016

Donald Trump wins the presidency of the United states of america, Everyone can't talking about Donald Trump winning the presidency of the United States of America, The Media has Acute Trump disease, and at the end of the day, I dreamed a dream that lets me go on one day more, next on Radical Grace Radio.

Visit Matthew...

Nov 8, 2016

Pope Francis Visits Sweden, and had something interesting things to say about Luther and Justification, But he also digs his heels in on Women's ordination. Meanwhile back at Headquarters we talk about the Red Pill of Redemption, here on Radical Grace Radio...

Visit Pastor Gary...

Nov 2, 2016

A Roman Catholic Priest has told Tim Kaine To stay away from communion, Someone discovered the 6 ways to know your secure in your faith, we got emails, and We're Refilling your prescription for red pills today on Radical Grace...