Aug 26, 2018
Have you ever Felt as though the Lord is testing you? Well, Pastor Gary felt as though you needed help studying for that test, so be ready with a Bible!
Pope Francis sounds the alarm on clerical sexual abuse, John Piper draws criticism for unfaithfulness to Great is Thy Faithfulness, name change in the works...
Aug 19, 2018
Christians take their spiritual temperature all the time. They do it because they've been told to do it so often that they've become accustomed to doing it. But you shouldn't. Sure, you've told you shouldn't be Lukewarm. Let us help you.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions getting off, but not for good behavior,...
Aug 12, 2018
Just because someone can do a mashup of say, the Bee Gees and AC/DC, doesn't mean they should. That's true of Law and Gospel as well. One doesn't simply mash up law and Gospel.
Pope delivers some new bull on capital punishment, Willow Creek implosion drama ripples across the evangelical stage,...
Aug 7, 2018
Continuing the talk on Discipleship, the old Samurai saying, "Cry in the Dojo; Laugh in the Battlefield" comes up. There's truth in that for us Christians, because the reason many of us fall on the Battlefield is because we don't train for the Battle.
Americans don’t attend church and Pew research asks why?,...